La Yeguita

Heredia, Costa Rica

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This is one of the small trailers I made in  for the database of Cultural Heritage-footage at ICAT. It is a compilation of the footage about la Fiesta de la Yegüita, which is held on 12 December in Nicoya (Guanacaste). The indigenous legend is about two brothers caught in a machete-fight over a girl.

People leaving the church and seeing the fight started praying to the Virgin of Guadelupe for a miracle to happen. At that moment a horse appeared, running down the hill and separating the fighting brothers.

The festival is preceded by a preparative gathering in which firewood is being chopped and corn is being grinded, approxiamtely one month earlier. During the festival people carry an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe and of the horse. The festival is a mixture of native Indian and Roman Catholicism.

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