Capetown Backpackers

Capetown, South Afrika

First day of Jen & Jude in South Africa. The pick-up service from the hostel thought we’d arrive 5 August, so we ended up in Tuma’s shuttlebus. Tuma was Terrific. And funny, tough, sharp and a CRAZY driver as well. A little less terrific was sir Jack Frederik Conradie, the confused man we met while having our first South African meal.

He probably meant well but after trying to sell us opium and subsequently confessing that he actually thought we were prostitutes, we kind of had enough Jack Frederik Conradie for the day and left.

The weather so far has been fantastic, with temperatures rising up to 15°C and lots of rain. Fortunately we packed our backpacks nice & light and left unnecessary baggage (such as rain-suits, umbrellas, shawls and fleece sweaters) at home.

Anyways, Capetown has been good so far, the food is delicious and the Capetown Backpackers staff is crazy -in a slightly disturbing but fun way-.

New words learned (this stuff is particularly entertaining for Dutch-speaking people):

doggybag:               prakkiebakkie
orgy:                        groepswoeps
dromedary:             kameelperd
hippo:                      zeekoei
G-string:                  diareetrekker

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