Maya Culture

Copan Ruinas, Honduras
More info: 

From July – October I have been working for Arte Accion in Copan Ruinas (Honduras). Arte Acción is a Honduran association that organizes socio-cultural activities for children and young adults. In Copán Ruinas they offer since 1999 art, photography, video and drama workshops to children in town and in the rural communities.

Together with a Honduran colleague, we set up an educational theatre/video project about Maya culture with 8 different (Maya) schools in some of the rural communities near Copán. One of the videos is shown above, you can watch the rest of the project (divided into 4 videos) here below. Pictures of the process are also online: click here… In the video above, the children of grade 4 to 6 of the school of the community ‘la Pintada’ made a movie about an ancient Maya tale. The tale is about Wukub’ K’aqix’, a very arrogant half God and about the twin heroes Ixbalanque and Hunahpu, who decide to teach him a lesson.  The children that are being interviewed in the intro are from the community ‘Llanetios’.

The children of grade 4 to 6 of the school of the community ‘Ostuman’ made a puppetplay about some of the Gods and Goddesses of the ancient Mayas. The children that sing and talk in the intro are from the community ‘El Chilar’.


The boys and girls of the G.V.I. Institute in the community of San Rafael made a puppetplay about Maya temples and archeology. The children that sing and talk in the intro are from the communities ‘El Chilar’ and ‘Llanetios’.


The children of grade 4 to 6 of the school of the community ‘La Laguna’ made a puppetplay about the traditional ball game the ancient Mayas used to play. In the video they compare it to a popular contemporary ball game: soccer.
The children in the intro and the children that are talking to Balam (the handpuppet) are from the communities ´Llanetios’ and ‘El Chilar’.

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